The Filler Bount Arc is full of (poorly translated) German in attack calls.Black Lagoon, especially around Those Wacky Nazis.The Panzer Kunst in Battle Angel Alita is the main example, but not the only.Justified, since she lived in Germany for most of her life. Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts: Minami tends to babble in German when she's upset, a good example being in the Beach Episode after she sees Himeji wearing a bikini.In the English version of the Azumanga Daioh anime, Kagura's frenzied attempted conversation with a a foreign man was in mangled German rather than English.Even more so, their Gods have names that are simple German words or are corruptions of them, like Leidenschaft (passion) or Geduldh (from geduld which means patience).In Ascendance of a Bookworm most of the names of people and places are German or based on German naming.Additionally, the second opening of the anime is "Flügel der Freiheit" ("Wings of Freedom" in German).He pretty clearly has a fondness for this trope. It's worth noting that the soundtrack was composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, the same man behind Guilty Crown's "Bios". There are also two insert songs sung entirely in German: "Vogel im Käfig" ( caged bird) and "Bauklötze" ( building blocks).The first words are 'Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind die Jäger', which translates to 'Are you the food? No, we are the hunters'. Apart from some characters featuring obviously German names like Hannes or Armin or even the protagonist Eren JÄGER (the last name is German for 'hunter'), the opening somehow lives from it.Other: Sklave (slave), Begleiter (literally 'companion'), Antwort (answer), the land of Seele (Seele means 'soul').Names: Teito Klein (small), Frau (woman or Mrs.), Fea Kreuz (cross), Verloren (lost).

07-Ghost also has quite a few examples:.The majority of the 'Lost Grounds' are made up of or take roots from German words: Dead World of Indieglut Lugh ('Dead World of into-the-embers Lugh'), Briona Gwydion the Dragonbein Range ('bein' also stands for 'bone'), Arche Koeln Waterfall (Combination of Arche, 'ark', and Köln, the German city of Cologne), Wailing Capital Wald Uberlisterin ('Tricker of the Forest'), and finally Hülle Granz Cathedral ('Shell Gloss Cathedral')-which also features one of the two only songs in-game with an actual language, in full German the other one being the variations of Aura's Theme.The author of the Epitaph of Twilight and subsequent originator of The World was born west German, and the programmer of the original game also had Germanic origins.